Happy New Year 2022!
As the end of the calendar year was quite busy for me, I did not have a chance to work as much as I wished on the PDXGA. However, at the beginning of January, I’ve released a couple of updates, such as:
- support for Hearts of Iron 4 version 1.11 (Barbarossa) and “No Step Back” DLC, including new commanders model and new buildings (railways, supply hubs)
- support for Europa Universalis 1.31 and 1.32
- major rework of the statistics section
- expansion of HOI4 ledgers to provide more information, such as detailed resources data and planes count
- minor bugfixes
I am particularly happy with the new colorful statistics section, which now shows the breakdown of files’ game versions present in PDXGA and better reflects the changes over time:

The plan for the coming weeks is to further enhance the HOI4 ledger and maps, and prepare for Victoria 3 – hopefully, the format of savefile will not change much compared to other von Clausewitz games.