PDXGA – dev diary #17

Summer is over for real, and winter is coming, at least to my part of the world. I’ve spent most of my summer away from the project, but I have been working on user interface improvements and bug fixes for the past month.

Here is a list of changes introduced since the last dev diary in June:

  • added dark mode – it seems that no modern website can live without it
  • fixed some bugs in parser code, so more files are now parsed properly
  • added view showing all public files, that is uploaded anonymously or before September 13th 2021 (more on that below)
  • fixed multiple UI bugs, improved readability and esthetics of the site, added some missing information to pages (such as file upload time or in-game date on map view)
  • added some backend functions for bulk operations (like reparsing all files when new parser version is out) and streamlined the way I handle various data dictionaries, which will allow for quicker updates to PDXGA when new versions of games come out or new games come out 🙂

On September 13th, I’ve made the mistake of running a script with invalid parameters, which caused the deletion of the internal data structures on the production system (the intended target was the development system). This means that I could not find out which files were uploaded privately and which ones have been uploaded anonymously. Therefore I’ve decided to make all files uploaded before this date public. So now, even without an account in the PDXGA system, you can see how the user files view looks like.

With the changes to UI completed, I now move to fix the global statistics views before working on improvements to maps and ledgers.

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